Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Facts vs Myths
They’re all aggressive, dangerous, mean, and vicious. This is not true. In fact temperament tests show that Pit Bulls normally pass at percentage rate higher then that of the other dog breeds. If a dog shows any negative signs when unprovoked they fail the test.
If they’re animal aggressive towards other animals that means that they’ll automatically be aggressive towards humans. Again not true. Like mentioned above this is not typical with the APBT. The reason they may show aggression towards smaller animals is because the breed was originally bred to control smaller animal populations. Aggression toward humans is not a normal trait. If one shows these signs it’s often a result of bad breeding or poor ownership. In many of these cases one that shows aggression and can not be trained to do otherwise will and should be euthanized. Not only for everyone’s safety but the dog’s as well.
There’s a couple other common misconceptions of the pit such as they have such power in their jaws that they lock. Also they have a higher power pressure then other breeds. This has not been proven to be correct. Often this is assumed because the breed is very strong willed and determined. If it does feel the need to protect for whatever reason it’s said that they will hang on until their very last breath. This does not mean that their power is anymore superior.
Another myth that is also shared by the Doberman and other game dogs is that they have brains that swell and never stop growing. Then causing the dog to go crazy. This theory is not true. The only time a pit bull’s brain would swell would be the results from a serious injury. Like with any animal if it’s brain outgrew it’s head it would die.
If it was never trained to fight it’s safe with other animals. This is not always true. As mentioned earlier they were historically bred to take down animals. A dog that’s had early constant socialization may not be a threat. However, genetics can often play a part. Like the Lab they have a late maturity. Sometimes you’ll find that a dog that was friendly with others when he or she was younger suddenly is not as it matures. Spaying and neutering often helps this. Other ways to avoid this kind of situation is never leave dogs unattended. Remember to start their socializing at a young age and continue it as they grow. Other simple things that may help prevent triggering a dog fight or issue: keep any toys, food bowls, or other “prized items” picked up. This will help prevent stress. Remember even best buddies can fight. Even dogs that have grown up together can decide they suddenly don’t want to deal with each other. Often after that first serious fight their relationship is never the same. Preventing that from happening is key to keeping peace. When you can’t be with your dog(s) be sure to keep them safe. This can be achieved by keeping them in separate rooms, crates, kennels, or a safe area outside. This should be done whether it’s a multi dog house or they share their home with other animals.
They make great guard dogs. This is usually untrue. Being a very friendly social dog towards humans it’s typically not in their nature to act as a “guard dog.” That old saying they’ll lick you to death comes to mind.
Traits & Tidbits
- Their social friendly loyal demeanor makes them great family dogs. They are especially loyal and loving towards children, Years ago they were known as “nanny dogs.“ A perfect example of this would be the famous Pit Bull that followed the Little Rascals around.
- Not usually prone to shyness, instability, or human aggression.
- They’re a very active breed that requires daily exercise. Their active drive and ability to train easily makes them a great companion for anyone that enjoys outdoor fun. Walking, hiking, jogging, agility, weigh pull, fly ball, water sports or even fetch. This helps burn off their energy.
- When they’re not properly stimulated or exercised they will find other means of entertainment. They often cure their boredom by becoming destructive towards your furniture or other precious items around the house.
- Might be or become dog aggressive over time especially to dogs of the same gender. Or sometimes they prefer to choose who they spend time with. (Don’t we all?)
- This breed is usually healthy and not often prone to many genetic diseases. Making their lifespan about 12 or more years.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
I Rescued A Human Today
Her eyes met mine as she walked down the corridor peering apprehensively into the kennels. I felt her need instantly and knew I had to help her.
I wagged my tail, not too exuberantly, so she wouldn’t be afraid. As she stopped at my kennel I blocked her view from a little accident I had in the back of my cage. I didn’t want her to know that I hadn’t been walked today. Sometimes the overworked shelter keepers get too busy and I didn’t want her to think poorly of them.
As she read my kennel card I hoped that she wouldn’t feel sad about my past. I only have the future to look forward to and want to make a difference in someone’s life.
She got down on her knees and made little kissy sounds at me. I shoved my shoulder and side of my head up against the bars to comfort her. Gentle fingertips caressed my neck; she was desperate for companionship. A tear fell down her cheek and I raised my paw to assure her that all would be well.
Soon my kennel door opened and her smile was so bright that I instantly jumped into her arms.
I would promise to keep her safe.
I would promise to always be by her side.
I would promise to do everything I could to see that radiant smile and sparkle in her eyes.
I was so fortunate that she came down my corridor. So many more are out there who haven’t walked the corridors. So many more to be saved. At least I could save one.
I rescued a human today.
- Janine Allen
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Written by Janine Allen CPDT, Rescue Me Dog's professional dog trainer. Janine's passion is working with people and their dogs. She provides demonstrations for those who have adopted shelter dogs, lends email support to adopted dog owners that need information beyond our Training Support Pages, and aids shelter staff and volunteers in understanding dog behavior to increase their adoptability. Copyright 2011 Rescue Me Dog; www.rescuemedog.org
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Hall County Shelter Photo |
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Hall County Shelter Photo |
One silly pose caught my attention over all of them. That silly puppy was named Tango. Something about his innocent expression and the ‘help me look’ made me get that feeling. The feeling that I had to at least inquire. Sure I fall for a lot of these adorable animals. Only a few really catch my attention to the point that I need to find out about their status and the chances I have of helping them. Honestly didn’t think anything would come of my innocent question posted on the shelter’s volunteer page. I’d only asked for some more information. Next morning I opened my face book to a few replies. The usual contact the shelter answer was posted. Another reply though made me think that maybe there was a chance. I began a dialogue with the volunteer. Before I knew it I was brainstorming and trying to contact several of my rescue contacts. Perhaps I’d luck out and someone would point me in the right direction. Meanwhile since he was still available I filled out an application to see what would come of it.
Tango I would later learn (according to his paperwork) was only a couple months old when he was a stray they’d seized at the end of January. The only other information that I knew was he’d been put on the adoptions floor on February 4th. Long story shorter by the 10th I’d already paid the adoption fee, was officially considered his owner (didn’t even know that I was officially considered that until later on when I got the paperwork) I’d been accepted the same night I sent in my application. Now that all that was confirmed it was a matter of figuring out how we could get him from a Georgia shelter to Maine. More rescue people were contacted. Many messages written back and forth. Many ideas, plans, suggestions tossed around. A few false hopes, stressed moments, and disappointments came in the upcoming days. Sadly it was starting to look like a lost cause.
Perhaps Tango was not meant to be with us. I’d thought things were being worked out by people I’d trusted to take charge. After some time it became apparent that was not the case. Finally as the big day was fast approaching and plans weren’t confirmed or even set up I had to take charge and hope for the best. He was supposed to have been pulled out for medical then a two week quarantine before he could go on transport to Maine. The medical part had been done but then he was right back in the shelter. A puppy at his vulnerable age should never spend time in such a depressing place. Surrounded by death and sickness was not a life.
I quickly grew frustrated and upset with the situation. Not wanting to give up but fearing that would be the end result I pushed forward and worked every angle I could think of. When the day approached that he was supposed to have already been here and I had gotten nowhere I was at my end. I’d tried many times to get through and get help. However, it just seemed like a hopeless task. Finally after days of persistent contact and calls I was getting somewhere. After over two weeks of craziness I was told everything was set and all I needed to do was let them know my transport details. Sure easier said then done. Luckily by that point I’d reached out to other rescue contacts. We brainstormed and worked all the ideas we could. Pleading on posts and seeking any help I could.
Then as if by miracle a couple days before he’d finally arrive home the plans fell into place. It was amazing how easily and quickly it went. Saturday night a friend offered to help if she could. She was going to be heading in our direction and if there was a way we could do it she was happy to help. Of course we immediately got to working on the plans. Monday the shelter was closed so we had until Tuesday to iron out the details. She would need to pick up Tango that night in order to make her Wednesday morning flight. That final part of the plan was the most scary. We needed someone to watch him for a few hours until she could get there. Her estimated time of arrival was after shelter hours. If we couldn’t find someone willing to watch him for a little while there was no way our idea would work.
Immediately my volunteer contact that I’d kept in touch with throughout this whole process and I posted for help. Just when I was wondering if this was even going to work we got a generous offer. I wasn’t used to having people help me out. I’d already set up a chipin fund. Not one to ask help of anyone I was reluctant to ask for funds as well. A generous donator came through. Now someone local to the shelter and a foster for them offered her help. Without her (and her son) we wouldn’t have been able to pull off that last part of the plan.
I won’t lie even with that last piece in place I was still worried. Call me a forever pessimist but I wasn’t going to breathe easy until he was here in my arms. I was worried that Tuesday morning when I called the shelter there’d be an issue. It all went as smooth as could be. Which was a nice change compared to how it’d been going. The final plans were arranged and now all that was left was the wait. Something unfortunately I’m not good at. The wait was well worth it the first time I snuggled the puppy in my arms.
Please, Return The Favor
You made me what I am today, courage at its best.
You wanted me to know no fear, a cut above the rest.
Not only did I master that, I’ve thrown in loyalty, too.
Look past my eyes into my soul, you know I’d die for you.
I’ll watch your kids, I’ll watch your house. Your praise will be my crown.
Ask what you will– I’ll do my best. I’ll even be your clown.
But some of you don’t like me, I’m sure I don’t know why.
The only thing I’m guilty of is courage, love and try.
But still they want to see me go, they want my breed to end.
Will I see you sitting idly by? You, whom, I call a friend?
You made me what I am today, you never saw me waiver.
I’ve done my best to keep you safe. Will you please, return the favor?
- Author Unknown To Me -
The One
They put me in a cage, they fight me in a pit.
They say I’m a vicious, so…alone I sit.
No walks in the park, no fetching a ball,
No children to love me, so I stare at the wall.
There’s not much else to look at in a world of concrete floors.
If only a family would stop at my door, I would tell them…
“Don’t judge me by what you’ve seen on tv.
This could be my last chance, this could be the end,
Please, won’t you give me one more look, friend?”
The lady in red takes me to a room and I pray they’ve come back
But I feel the needle and all fades to black.
They say I could never be trusted, it was all for the best.
“Why even bother? He’ll never pass the test.”
Now it’s all over, all has been said and done.
But with a little love, kindness and patience…
I could have been the one.
- Author Unknown To Me -
They say I’m a vicious, so…alone I sit.
No walks in the park, no fetching a ball,
No children to love me, so I stare at the wall.
There’s not much else to look at in a world of concrete floors.
If only a family would stop at my door, I would tell them…
“Don’t judge me by what you’ve seen on tv.
This could be my last chance, this could be the end,
Please, won’t you give me one more look, friend?”
The lady in red takes me to a room and I pray they’ve come back
But I feel the needle and all fades to black.
They say I could never be trusted, it was all for the best.
“Why even bother? He’ll never pass the test.”
Now it’s all over, all has been said and done.
But with a little love, kindness and patience…
I could have been the one.
- Author Unknown To Me -
Don’t Let Me Die
Please don’t believe what you hear.
They have made me a poster dog and instilled this fear.
I may be big, and I may be strong,
But I have done nothing wrong.
A vicious cycle, I wish I were never born,
Into the hands of a monster, now my heart’s been torn.
They threw me in the pit, I could hear the people cheer.
Blood on the walls, no fight in me…Just fear.
I am of no value now, they tossed me aside.
As I lay bleeding, I have no place to hide.
And now I am taken to a grey, scary place.
I am cut and wounded from my tail to my face.
Here I lay alone, on this cold cement floor,
Waiting for my chance, to get out the door.
I only have a day or two, before I am put to death,
A day or two more, till I breathe my last breath.
But I haven’t had the chance to show you…I’m a good boy.
I never had a treat, I never had a toy.
I am a Pit Bull, It doesn’t mean that I will bite.
It doesn’t mean I am a devil, It doesn’t mean I want to fight.
Look into my eyes once as you pass me by.
Can you really see a killer?…Come on, don’t lie.
You know you see something, A soulful sadness in my eye.
Please take me out of here, Please…don’t let me die.
- Author Unknown To Me -
They have made me a poster dog and instilled this fear.
I may be big, and I may be strong,
But I have done nothing wrong.
A vicious cycle, I wish I were never born,
Into the hands of a monster, now my heart’s been torn.
They threw me in the pit, I could hear the people cheer.
Blood on the walls, no fight in me…Just fear.
I am of no value now, they tossed me aside.
As I lay bleeding, I have no place to hide.
And now I am taken to a grey, scary place.
I am cut and wounded from my tail to my face.
Here I lay alone, on this cold cement floor,
Waiting for my chance, to get out the door.
I only have a day or two, before I am put to death,
A day or two more, till I breathe my last breath.
But I haven’t had the chance to show you…I’m a good boy.
I never had a treat, I never had a toy.
I am a Pit Bull, It doesn’t mean that I will bite.
It doesn’t mean I am a devil, It doesn’t mean I want to fight.
Look into my eyes once as you pass me by.
Can you really see a killer?…Come on, don’t lie.
You know you see something, A soulful sadness in my eye.
Please take me out of here, Please…don’t let me die.
- Author Unknown To Me -
Poem written by a Pitbull
A scowl genetically embedded on my face, as I didn’t come from the greatest place.
I was born out of brutality and cruelty. Any act of kindness towards me would be something completely new to me.
I never win the popularity contest, as I am not liked by many. When they handed out chances, I never received any.
I always walk alone, but not by choice, I cant even plead my case, as I have no voice.
The jury is out before my trial even begins. I have become a storage facility that is full of humanity’s sins.
My friends are sentenced to death without committing a crime..The hurt and the pain that is inflicted on me is overlooked all the time.
I have been racially profiled because of my breed.. Fought to the death for other peoples greed.
I have viewed much of my life on chains, or behind bars.. You cant even see my smile, because its been hidden by scars.
You read horrific stories of all my heinous acts.. the press exploits me without knowing all the facts.
my neck has grown heavy with your weights and your chains..I have been fed nothing but torture, and i have absorbed all the pain.
my life can be compared to that of slavery.. Is this the path that society has made for me?
I am resilient by nature and I have way too much pride.. That’s why its rare to see someone like me ever cry..
what I really want is to be by your side.. I’m loyal to you forever or at least until I die
What few of you know is how emotional I can be,all I want is to be part of your family.
I am not saying that all of us are perfect or great. Humans come in both and good and bad, so you should be able to relate.
I don’t want to be beaten down any longer.. you need to make laws to protect me, much stronger.
Dont stand there and let this happen one more day.. The cruelty I am subjected to, is not OK.
I know it will take time and your schedule is full.. Why would you want to try and help me??
I’m just a pitbull.
- Author Unknown To Me -
I was born out of brutality and cruelty. Any act of kindness towards me would be something completely new to me.
I never win the popularity contest, as I am not liked by many. When they handed out chances, I never received any.
I always walk alone, but not by choice, I cant even plead my case, as I have no voice.
The jury is out before my trial even begins. I have become a storage facility that is full of humanity’s sins.
My friends are sentenced to death without committing a crime..The hurt and the pain that is inflicted on me is overlooked all the time.
I have been racially profiled because of my breed.. Fought to the death for other peoples greed.
I have viewed much of my life on chains, or behind bars.. You cant even see my smile, because its been hidden by scars.
You read horrific stories of all my heinous acts.. the press exploits me without knowing all the facts.
my neck has grown heavy with your weights and your chains..I have been fed nothing but torture, and i have absorbed all the pain.
my life can be compared to that of slavery.. Is this the path that society has made for me?
I am resilient by nature and I have way too much pride.. That’s why its rare to see someone like me ever cry..
what I really want is to be by your side.. I’m loyal to you forever or at least until I die
What few of you know is how emotional I can be,all I want is to be part of your family.
I am not saying that all of us are perfect or great. Humans come in both and good and bad, so you should be able to relate.
I don’t want to be beaten down any longer.. you need to make laws to protect me, much stronger.
Dont stand there and let this happen one more day.. The cruelty I am subjected to, is not OK.
I know it will take time and your schedule is full.. Why would you want to try and help me??
I’m just a pitbull.
- Author Unknown To Me -
Pittie Poem
Their love is like no other; their heart is pure as gold.
Yet while going on a friendly walk, they’re faced with stares of cold.
They’re so very close to human, in how they act and what they do.
Unless you’ve known their devoted love, it’s impossible to explain to you.
They are greatly more MISUNDERSTOOD than any other breed.
We tend to punish this loyal dog, instead of mankind’s deeds.
They are always and forever clowns, with a wish for center stage.
Yet while displaying this sense of humor, most people disengage.
They, oh, so want to make new friends, and run and jump and play.
Yet when they happily approach, most people shy away.
Often I’ve seen children poke, or hop on for a ride.
And when I felt they might get mad, they’ve only beamed with pride.
I’ve seen these children yank and pull, with nary a reaction.
Yet media’s not interested, unless they’ve put someone in traction.
They love to snuggle up real close, to give lots of loves and kisses.
Yet they suffer more than any, from unfair prejudices.
What animal do I speak of, whose love is so unique?
If you’ve truly known one, you know of whom I speak.
There is no creature on this earth who will ever make you merrier.
The animal I do speak of, it’s the American Pit Bull Terrier.
Author: Patty Letawsky
Why Spay/Neuter?
Search anywhere on the web about spaying and neutering and you’ll find the reasons and statistics on why it’s so vitally important. Remember as a Pit Bull owner you want to help them be an ambassador of the breed. One of the best things you can do to ensure that is make sure they’re spayed/neutered.
- Live longer, healthier lives.
- Usually more docile which results in easier training.
- Spaying greatly reduces the risk if breast cancer and eliminates the threat of uterine and ovarian cancer.
- Spaying eliminates the heat cycle and everything associated with it.
- Spaying helps rid the incessant crying, howling, and nervous behavior.
- Neutering prevents testicular cancer and prostate problems.
- Neutering can also help reduce other serious health problems like hernias and anal tumors.
- Neutering at a younger age reduces dominance or aggression related behavior issues. (possession, food guarding, territory marking, dog aggression, and “humping”.)
- Neutering relieves that urge to search for a female in heat.
- Neutering can also help prevent that urge to roam which can result in getting lost, injured, or killed.
BSL: What is it?
Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) in basic terms is a ban or restriction of a certain type or breed of dog. Dogs that are perceived as “dangerous” according to the ones that make the law(s). Often times many dogs are targeted solely because they may look like a particular banned breed. At no time do they take into consideration how it was trained, raised, or treated. They don’t even take into consideration that every dog (and breed) is different and so too is their behavior. This can be compared to racial profiling that we as a society have dealt with for years.
BSL is based on discrimination, lack of education of the breeds involved, and knowledge. Lets take for example the "Pit Bull” which is a type of breed. It’s actually a term used to categorize three different breeds. (American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, and the Staffordshire Terrier) There’s many breeds (and mixes) that have the look of a Pittie but are in fact a different breed totally. Sadly these breeds would also be targets.
These bans can and usually require the targeted breed to be removed from the restricted area. Often the dogs are then sentenced to death. Other times there are regulations (often costly) that an owner must follow. This depends on how the laws are worded. Unfortunately not all owners can follow these rigid rules and are forced to give up their beloved dog. This adds burden to shelters that are already struggling with the animals in their care.
Examples of BSL restrictions:
- Dogs are to be spayed and neutered.
- Muzzled in public.
- Housed in a kennel that meets their strict requirements.
- Specific sized leashes of a specific material are to be used.
- Owners must purchase costly liability insurance.
- “Vicious” dog signs must be posted at the dog’s residence.
- Must wear something that identifies them as “vicious” dogs.
Why BSL does not work effectively:
- Cost. (Requires people to enforce the laws, identify the dogs, and follow through with the punishments.)
- Focuses on the dogs and not bad owners. (Who allow dogs to bite, terrorize, and wreak havoc.)
- Bad owners are not reprimanded. (Therefore it does not improve public safety, prevent dog bites, or other issues that the laws were set up for in the first place.)
- Makes the “banned” breeds become more desirable to unsavory people aka criminals and bad owners.
Many anti-BSL supporters believe the best alternative is education. Also set reasonable rules for all dog owners to follow. Focus on better dog ownership as a whole and less on the types of dogs.
“Punish the deed not the breed…”
Friday, April 22, 2011
Being ambassadors of the breed
Currently Maine is not one of the states that has BSL. Lets fight to keep it that way. Strive to be the best owner you can be. Here’s a few ideas on how you and other Maine Pit Bull owners can continue being ambassadors of the breed.
Spay/Neuter - There’s many benefits to spaying/neutering. They should also be current on their vaccines and have the proper paperwork and tags.
Exercise - Pitties are generally high energy. Be sure they get plenty of time to burn that energy. Remember a tired dog is a good dog.
Positive Training - Obedience class can be a great way to help train, exercise, and socialize.
Socialize - Sooner the better. Be sure they‘ve had their puppy vaccines and enroll them in puppy classes. Or you can set up play dates with other good mannered dogs. Socializing shouldn’t be strictly with other dogs. They should also be familiar with other animals, people, and surroundings.
Supervise - Never leave them alone. Even if it’s in your “safe” fenced in backyard this can lead to problems. Remember not everyone loves your Pit Bull. Sadly there’s many stories out there of dogs being stolen. Often it’s just that couple minutes you ran in to get something. Or they found a way to jump the fence, open the gate, dig under, whatever. Sadly this opens you and your dog up to a world of problems. An unattended dog is not a safe dog.
Leash - Always have them leashed. A leashed dog is much safer and easier to control then one that has free roam. It only takes a second for a distracted dog to have a horrible accident or be caught in a situation that could have been prevented. Again, remember not everyone loves your Pittie like you do. The less chance of an issue the better for everyone.
Educate - We need to be patient with those that don’t understand our passion for Pibbles. Stay calm, don’t be rude, and simply inform them of the facts. They won’t all agree or listen. However, if we can sway just one then we’re doing our job as Pittie owners.
Puppies vs. Adults
You’re seriously considering adopting a Pit Bull. Now your question is do you want a puppy or an adult dog?
Some feel puppies are the better choice. Puppies should be considered a work in progress. Many things mold the way a puppy will turn out. Often you won’t see a dog’s true colors until after they have reached maturity. However, if you understand this and have the time and patience this may be the choice for you. Often people don’t always have the kind of time to commit to the ongoing training of a puppy.
In that case an adult dog may be better suited for you and your life style. They typically show their true personality. Their likes and dislikes. Whether it is friendly with others, whether it’s got behavior issues or quirks are often more evident. Also something else many don’t realize is adults are less likely to be adopted out. After all who can resist a cute puppy face?
Something to remember when considering shelter dogs young or old is all will need a transition period. Their housetraining, leash manners, and behavior in general may need some extra attention. Also don’t forget Pit Bulls aren’t for everyone. They are usually a high energy breed no matter the age. You have to be prepared for that. Be sure to express your wants, concerns, and needs to the shelter workers. Being open and honest about what you are looking for can help match you with the right dog for your family.
Author's Note - As an adopter of both young and older dogs I find either experience has it’s challenges and rewards. I don’t look at the age as much as I look at the chance at saving another dog’s life.
Are shelter Pit Bulls safe?
For many years there was certain stigma about shelter dogs. Some people even today think that “pound dogs” are the worst of the worst. However, many of these Pit Bulls are often in the shelter for reasons that have absolutely nothing to do with them. The list of reasons or “excuses” are long. Just ask the shelter workers that have to hear them each and every day.
It’s important to know that these days there’s usually strict procedures in place to help protect everyone. Pit Bulls are tested using a variety of methods. If these dogs are deemed unsafe and rehab is not an option they are not adopted out.
Many adopters feel adopting from shelters is the safest way to add a dog to their family. Reputable shelters usually leave lines of communication open. If something comes up down the road they will help the adopter. Training and other helpful information is often available. With the proper screening of both dog and adopter they can live happy lives together. Some of these Pit Bulls even go on to work in fields like service, therapy, government, or military.
Take all that into consideration the next time you’re considering another family member. You can save more then one life. When you bring home your new family member you open more space in the shelter. Perhaps that buys the next dog enough time for another like you to come along and save another Pit Bull.
Author's Note - Being a Pit Bull adopter and foster I can say there is something special and unique about saving them. It’s almost as they know you saved their lives and they will devote their lives to thanking you.
It’s important to know that these days there’s usually strict procedures in place to help protect everyone. Pit Bulls are tested using a variety of methods. If these dogs are deemed unsafe and rehab is not an option they are not adopted out.
Many adopters feel adopting from shelters is the safest way to add a dog to their family. Reputable shelters usually leave lines of communication open. If something comes up down the road they will help the adopter. Training and other helpful information is often available. With the proper screening of both dog and adopter they can live happy lives together. Some of these Pit Bulls even go on to work in fields like service, therapy, government, or military.
Take all that into consideration the next time you’re considering another family member. You can save more then one life. When you bring home your new family member you open more space in the shelter. Perhaps that buys the next dog enough time for another like you to come along and save another Pit Bull.
Author's Note - Being a Pit Bull adopter and foster I can say there is something special and unique about saving them. It’s almost as they know you saved their lives and they will devote their lives to thanking you.
Pit Bulls
Pit Bull. When you hear that word what goes through your head? For some I’m sure it’s not good things. Most of the images and stories you’ve heard bring on these horrid images. For the lovers of the breed it brings other thoughts. Thoughts of a very intelligent, loyal, friendly dog with lots of love to give. A dog that sadly is probably the most misunderstood animal on this entire planet. Sad really. You would think in this day of technology and research that more people would be able to educate themselves on the facts vs. the myths. Unfortunately when you try to research this incredible breed there’s usually more bad then good out there. Most of these “facts” are brought on by assumptions, bad information, untrue media stories, and people prejudice against the breed for whatever personal reasons.
Now I’m not saying some news stories may not have some merit. However, many times things are reported and blown out of proportion before all the information is known. Often times the breed is unknown or it looks like the “bully” breed so it’s automatically labeled pit bull. When in fact there are so many breeds out there and mixes that many dogs look pit and are in fact either a mix or entirely different breed. The other thing that is often not known or is only speculated is the circumstances. If indeed an attack was brought on by a “pit bull” then what led up to that? There’s many reasons that a dog (of any breed) can react in a aggressive way. Look into the situation and perhaps what led up to it. Was the animal provoked? Could it have been due to abuse, poor upbringing, bad breeding? There is a quote that we Pibble activists say very often, “Punish the deed not the breed.” That’s exactly what I’m referring to here. Don’t condemn and blame a dog (no matter what breed) until you analyze the events that led to the situation.
What we as pit bull owners, lovers, and activists ask is that you step back and take a look at the situation. Not all pit bulls are that way. In fact it’s been proven that it’s the minority not the majority of pitties that show any type of “bad behavior”. Pit bulls were originally bred to be loyal animals that were wonderful companions to their owners especially children. They are very protective of their families and dote on them. Pibbles rather cuddle on the couch with you then be used as some pawn in a game that only ends in tragedy. By nature they aren’t human aggressive. Although some prefer to live their lives as the only dog or even pick who they spend time with (who doesn’t) generally they get along with their own species. They are very forgiving caring dogs. Sadly no matter how terrible their circumstances are and how badly they are treated they often still dote on their owners. They are the type of dog that seeks approval, love, and affection. They forgive easily and endure a lot.
This misunderstood breed is now being banished from areas all over this world. Perhaps maybe in your own town, city, state, or country. If you’re one of those people that hears the stories of this kind of ban (also referred to BSL) and think there’s no way that would happen to you or your dog (again no matter the breed) think again. It’s happened to many and the stories would break your heart. We’re not talking about dogs with issues that are deemed unsafe around others. No. We are talking about your family pet - a part of your family - being torn from you and everything they know. Then they are either killed immediately by whatever form of euthanasia that area feels is “humane”. Or they end up sitting in a scary shelter waiting for the day they take the dreaded walk to that room. The room where they don’t walk back out. Why? Simply because they had the misfortune of being one of the best dog breeds and living where they were judged before they were even known.
When you think about that it should bring up some other images in your mind. Images of similar situations that we as humans have endured over the years. A huge example that BSL is often compared to is racism. Yes the forms of racism and bias behavior that we as humans have endured for centuries are quite similar to the pain and suffering these poor souls are facing right now. Sadly do you realize if these pro BSL people get their way there will be no pit bulls (or any breed that looks like them). Then what will happen? Well you can live in denial about the next statement but it can and will happen. Your breed will be next. Yes, that’s right they’ll just start going through all the breeds until they have picked and chosen the ones they deem worthy of having. Problem is like every human and race there’s going to be bad apples and soon if you kill just because of one you’ll end up taking out every single one just because of that one. Then what are you left with?
I will honestly admit that until not long ago I too was a skeptic. Perhaps not to that extreme. I wasn’t sure what I felt about the breed. Hadn’t really had much experience with them at all. Don’t even remember seeing a pit bull until I was living in Texas. As many know the south is filled with pit and pit mixes. After that I’d only seen a few and never really had any long amounts of time around them. Then like anything I find an interest in I began to research. I wanted to know what all the hype was about. I won’t lie I was kind of afraid of them. Then again I’m kind of apprehensive of several types of dogs. Perhaps it’s because as a short stature person you are eye to eye to them and that can be rather intimidating. I began hearing more and more stories about these “bully” breeds. Many positive stories. Hearing first hand people’s accounts of good things really helped me realize that these animals were truly worthy of life and love. They didn’t mean to be scary and intimidating. They were just seeking what we all do. Love.
‘Why do you post all these pitbulls?’ That question took me a little bit by surprise. After all I’d been doing it for several months now. Ever since I got more into the rescue world. Trying whatever I could possibly do to cross post and get the word out about animals that needed homes. Sadly many of these posts are pit bulls. Because of the pit bull madness currently going on in our society it’s a reality every day in shelters all over. The only answer that made sense to me is the one that immediately came to mind. “I’m passionate about pitbulls finding homes.” To me that was a simple to the point answer. Perhaps to me and others that share that passion it is simple. Unfortunately for those still on the other side of this pit bull situation it probably didn’t answer the question. They probably sit there and see my posts and think, why does anyone bother to save those horrible good for nothing beasts. They’re dangerous and they all should be destroyed. Get another hobby and get over trying to save the entire pit bull population. Now no one has actually said such cruel and hateful things to me (yet) but I’ve had quite similar comments and situations come up. I have to learn to shake it off and keep on. I can’t give up because these voiceless creatures need us. Whether it’s a pit bull or not. Every animal deserves a home, a second chance at life, a loving family. That’s why I do what I do. Perhaps all my heartache, pain, and frustration that goes along with this ends up becoming a positive. If just one is saved by my efforts then it’s all worth it. All the unkind thoughts cast toward me and what I am passionate about. I can deal with that. After all some of these animals have endured some of the most horrific things imaginable. You don’t even know how totally messed up we as a society is until you see what we see. It will make you cry, scream, vomit. It can even keep you up at night. If you ask me that’s nothing compared to what these animals have been through. And that is why I post all these pitbulls…
By: Carrie McCormick
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