Saturday, June 16, 2012

Haters gonna hate

When I started this blog it was my intention to be mainly about my Passion For Pibbles. Hence that is the name of the blog after all.  However, after the incident that I endured tonight I found the need to write this. I apologize if it's off topic a bit. Though it's still Pit Bull related.
Tonight not only was a good friend of mine openly bashed, slandered, accused of of things she hasn't done I was also attacked. This person doesn't have one shred of proof. She'll rant and rave. She'll go on about how she has proof yet all she does is share outdated articles that have absolutely nothing to do with the points she is trying to make with her attacks. Then just because I wouldn't fall for her antics she decided to keep rambling on and on. When I still wouldn't listen to her lies and drama she turned on. Not only did she tell me to 'beware' (sounds like a threat to me) but she also accused me of taking money that my friendly supposedly got scamming manner. Yes that's right the most honest person you'll meet supposedly has a scam going on. Yes the person that stands up for Pit Bulls each day and tries to help when and where I can. Apparently I'm taking money that I know is being stole from others in a scam. Since when did writing about a fundraiser for a dog in need make me the guilty party? She acts like it's some thing that we have going on. Well I hate it to break it to you woman but we (among several others) are only trying to help raise funds for a dog that was in the care of a 'rescue.'

If you want to attack and go after a scam artist go after the people that allowed this beautiful dog to get so bad. The rescue that now has her in their care can use all the help they can get to nurse this dog back to health. Instead of accusing those of us trying to help reach a goal focus your time and energy on the ones truly doing wrong. For your information I have not and will not make one dime off this. Get your facts straight before you start accusing. Get your 'proof' in something besides a bunch of outdated links and people you claim will tell me whatever you pretend is the truth.

If there's truly a lawsuit or investigation then you shouldn't even be talking about it, especially on the internet. Another point that should be made is just because it's the internet doesn't mean that it's still not harassment, slander, and drama that's uncalled for. Cyber bullying has become quite a big deal lately. I'd suggest that you take that into consideration. Whatever issues you have with my friends you need to take it up in private. You need not to include every single person they do or do not know online. There's plenty of sheep out there that will follow the word of someone they think knows what they're talking about. Sorry but I am not a sheep. I'm not one to listen to another's bad mouthing of someone. I give everyone a chance to prove their own merit. Until I have reason not to trust you then you're all on the same playing field. Unlike my Pit Bull and the Pit Bulls you HATE (yes I know all about the hate you have towards our dogs) I do not forgive easily.

Let it be known this will be the last of this entire situation. Anything else gets said or done towards me on this topic then I'll be contacting some people and having a report started. I've got all the proof I need of your slander and bullying. I'd suggest you move on and work on this hate you have for your family and anyone that associates with them. Really life is too short to waste time on this drama.

Personally I don't have time to babysit my blog, defend my friends, defend myself, and do rescue work all at the same time. I've dealt with enough hates within my Passion For Pibble group. Haters and drama seekers that are no longer with us. The time I waste dealing with anti Pit Bull people and those with some twisted agenda pulls me away from the things I need to do.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Buy an awesome shirt and support awesome cause

When you're in the rescue world (especially with Pit Bulls) you see some horrendous things. However, when the very people that should be the 'rescuers' are allowing these horrendous things to happen to a innocent love-a-bull dog who protects those dogs? The answer thankfully in this case is another rescue. Luckily for this beautiful girl she happened to be in the right place at the right time. My dear friend and fellow Pit Bull lover, owner, and adovcate Angie Mongelli was at Woofstock 2012 this past weekend in New York and was witness to this situation. Now she is making a generous donation towards the cause. For every Romeo's Paws For A Cause' Woofstock Pit Bull shirt that's bought a portion of the proceeds is being donated to the 'Modified K9' that rescued Clara in her time of need. This poor girl has a long road ahead of her but thanks to some very loving wonderful people she has a chance.
This is Clara (as we now call her - new name for a new life) 

Clara's Story... 
(information taken from Modified's facebook page) 
   Clara is a very unexpected addition to the mk9 program & family. mk9 board member Karen came across Miss Clara at yesterdays event. She was tied to a tree with a rescue that is located on Albany Post Road Montrose, NY.
   What caught Karen's attention was the condition Clara was in. Very much under weight, nails so long they were starting to curl, sores on both paws that are infected and the smell that came off the dog was just horrible. There were pieces of food scattered through out the dirt that surrounded her, but even in this condition Clara's tail was non stop when people would just look at her.
   Karen returned to the mk9 tent and informed the rest of the group on what she saw at another rescues tent.
   We approached the rescue asking a bit about Clara. We ask how long they had her and they said "4 months". We asked if she has been to a vet and why was she so thin for being with them for so long. The girl (the owners daughter) told Chelle, "yes she's been to a vet and she just doesnt like the food we give her & she won't eat". Then when asked again when the last vet visit was and she replied "I can't remember"
We asked for nail cutters to cut her nails, we were told "they cant be cut because they break to easily and will bleed".
   No nail cutters were found so we asked if she could spend the day with us, she was handed over with no questions asked. We took her to a grooming tent that was at the event. They cut her nails without a sound or movement from Clara, no blood or breakage from cutting the nails either.
After the nails were cut we grabbed some Shampoo and found a hose. Took over 40 minutes and 1/2 a shampoo bottle later to get her clean!
   After spending more time with Clara, seeing the sores on her paws and just how skinny she was, we all had a sit down and came up with a plan to bring Clara into our program. We don't have any available fosters at this time so Karen & Bill offered to be a temporary foster until she is fully vetted and back to good health. We will be needing a foster for Clara once she is ready to start her journey (keep an eye out for postings). So we approached the rescue again and asked them to sign a release form so Clara can come with us into our program, they did sign her over!
   There is more to this that we will get into a bit later...
   On a side note we come to find that Clara has been with this rescue since November of 2011 and has had one litter of puppies that we know of (age 5 months old at current date). Clara is still not spayed and they had no records they could give us at the time for her.
   Clara is off to our vet Thursday (06.14.12) 
   We could really use the help getting this girl back on track. If you can donate to Clara's vet care please Call or send a check directly to our vet. We would very much appreciate any help we can get for this girl.
Creekside Animal Hospital
(570) 298-0800
6490 Sr 309, Tunkhannock, PA 18657
When you call please make sure to tell them, "This is a donation for Modified k9's new addition" They open a little after 9am Monday - Friday
Clara's, vetting will include:

  • -Heartworm test
  • -Lymes test
  • -All necessary vaccines that she may need
  • -Spay
  • -Parasite test
  • -Microchip.. and anything else she may need at this time.

Thank you everyone for taking the time to read, share & donate. The last thing we expected was to rescue a pup from a "rescue". Clara's condition is UNACCEPTABLE for a group to have her as long at they did! 
UPDATE 06-12-12 
Clara was taken to the vet earlier then what the doc had planned! Clara wasn't breathing properly and it concerned us greatly. So doc made some time in between surgeries to look at Clara.
Today Doc did blood work & a chest x ray.
The bad news:
Clara has an enlarged heart & lungs
Clara is heart worm positive. Doc allowed us to see a slide of the blood sample and the worms are everywhere :(
Doc started Clara on 2 forms of meds and heartworm prevention to try n stop any new worms from appearing.
We still need to do a fecal exam, a lymes exam and more blood work. Doc is holding off on her vaccines and the spay due the meds she is on now.
The good news:
We are not giving up on this girl!
The news that needs to be shared:
We at Modified k9 are NOT happy with the way Recycled Paws (Recycled Paws Rescue Birdsall) in Albany Post Road, Montrose, NY. cares for the animals they are supposedly "rescuing" !! The condition Clara was in when we came across her at this weekends event was appalling! This rescue needs to reevaluate the way they care for the lives they take on!
Heartworm can take a dogs life.
Clara still has many vets visits ahead of her.
And she is far from being "ok".
We want to thank all that have donated to Clara so far. We recieved $150 in donations. Today's vet bill came to $138 and we still have a long ways to go.If you can help us help Clara by donating please make all donations directly to:
Creekside Animal Hospital
(570) 298-0800
6490 Sr 309, Tunkhannock, PA 18657
(let them know its for modified k9 rescue dogs - Clara)
please share. 
Gray or Lime
Regular T's & Fringe T's 
A portion of proceeds will be DONATED to Modified k9 for Clara's vet bill  Clara's story is posted on my page & we will continue to share her updates. 
Regular T's are $18.00 
Fringe T's are $20.00 
If interested in a shirt please Message me your email, color, size, shirt style & I will send you a Paypal invoice- 
*Cross Posting Saves Lives!* Wear a Great message