Thursday, May 2, 2013

Responsible Pit Bull owner

The following is 'borrowed' from their Facebook page.

"Pit Happens" Rescue · 7,717 like this
Tuesday at 2:51pm · 
  • If you are not a responsible Pit Bull owner, guess who pays for it? Help spread the word so we can end this BSL crap once and for all. T

    1. Never allow your pit bull to roam free. Dogs are just like human children. When not supervised, the decisions they make are often not for their best interest. For the safety of your dog and the general dog population, keep your pit bull behind a fence!

    2. Always keep your pit bull on leash. When a Golden Retriever runs up to a person, they say, “How sweet!” When a pit bull does the exact same thing, people say, “Vicious dog!” This is an unfortunate truth. Let’s not make the reputation of the pit bull worse than it already is.

    3. Never take your pit bull to a dog park. Even if you think your pit bull is wonderful with other dogs, all it takes is once. If a Labrador starts a fight and your pit bull defends himself, whom will everyone blame? Let’s face it; the pit bull is always at fault in the eyes of the public.

    4. You should take your pit bull to obedience classes. Yet again, in the eyes of the general public pit bulls are menacing creatures. The more socially acceptable they are by having impeccable manners, the better the reputation they will have. And remember, once is NOT enough. Ongoing obedience classes are best.

    5. Socialize your pit bull as much possible before and after they reach maturity. A shy pit bull is a pathetic creature indeed. Not only is being shy an abnormal pit bull trait, it also could be dangerous. You want your dog to be able to handle new situations with confidence and pleasure. As with obedience classes, once is not enough! Ongoing socialization will ensure your dog’s happiness by showing him the world is a wonderful place. And please remember, socialization does not mean your dog running around with other dogs off leash!

    6. Be a responsible parent! Do not allow your pit bull to be subjected to people who are belligerent or cruel. By ‘forcing’ your dog to ‘say hi’ to these types of people, you are being an irresponsible parent! You would never expect your human child to simply take whatever you dish out and like it. Please do not expect this from your dog.

    7. Know where your dog is at all times. Don’t leave your pit bull outside unattended. Who knows what is going on in the back yard while you are away. Are children teasing your dog? Is your dog learning to be aggressive by having to defend himself in these situations? Don’t leave the parenting up to others. Responsibility is the key to proper and safe pit bull ownership.

    8. Pit bulls need a job. Whether this job is obedience classes, taking a walk with you everyday, sitting at your feet while you are on the computer in the evenings, or something more intense such as search and rescue, a pit bull needs to feel important and needed. They are highly intelligent animals with fine tuned problem solving skills. They need an outlet for this energy.

    9. Daily exercise is a must! Playing fetch, hiking or whatever you love to do, your pit bull will be more than willing to participate.

    10. Spay and neuter your pit bull. With thousands of pit bulls dying in shelters, don’t be a part of the problem. Be part of the solution!

    11. Understand that Terriers can be dog aggressive and prey driven. Take precautions and use common sense. Don’t allow your pit bull to run up to unknown dogs and never allow unknown dogs to run up to your pit bull. Remember, you are the parent! As long as you understand this and can love your dog for who and what he is, you’ve got it made!

    12. NEVER leave pit bulls alone and unsupervised with other animals. Even though you think they are the best of friends, it’s better to be safe than sorry! All it takes is one time for a fight to break out. This is especially true with multiple Pit Bulls in one household. Don’t take any chances and remember this saying… Never trust your dog, not matter what the breed, not to fight another dog… ever!

    13. Keep your pit bull in an enclosure that is escape proof. I always keep my dogs in the house in crates when I am not there to supervise. This is the utmost in safety. Just make sure your dog cannot get out to roam. If your dog makes a mistake, ALL pit bull owners pay for it!

Pit Bull only programs

Today there was a question brought up in regards to a post that I shared. Honestly never really thought about the reasoning. Perhaps it’s because I have seen just how over crowded these shelters are with our beloved Pit Bull and Pit Bull mixes. (The average person may not be aware of the staggering statistics.) Someone wanted to know why there always seems to be programs out there to help get them spayed/neutered for low cost or even sometimes free. Why are they the only type of dog that seems to have these programs?

Simple answer is this – there is by far more Pits and Pit mixes in the shelters (and in homes) than probably any other dog breed/type at this time. The other dog that comes close (especially in the California shelters) is the Chihuahua. Sadly many get these dogs because it’s a fad at the time. Perhaps they see that cute little Chi movie and think that’s the breed for them. Or someone falls for the stereotype and thinks they will make a cool looking thug wannabe if they get a pit bull. Sadly many of these dogs get dumped after the novelty wears off, some are overbred to meet the demands of said fad. Not only do the offspring often end up in shelters but once their parents have served their purpose they too are dumped.  These situations are why we have so many issues within the shelters and rescues all over.

The way the animal community (shelters, rescues, donors, charities, etc) are trying to combat this never ending problem is to initiate programs for everyone (not just low income families) to be able to be the responsible pit bull owner and get their pits fixed. As many know there are several beneficial reasons for having your dogs sterilized.

Besides, let’s face it too many dogs (especially pits) in this word are looking for a home. 

Wednesday, May 1, 2013



Aggression or Frustration

Silly Chocolates

Dedicated to my Chocolate Brindle boy 'TANGO'
[these pibble pix reminded me of him]

Random Quotes

Romeo's Paws for a Casue

Crossposting page for dogs in need on facebook.
Check it out...

Spay & Neuter

Dog Rules

Dog Health - Sports


This physically demanding sport is devised to test a dog’s ability to navigate through an intricate obstacle course during a set time. Coordinated well trained dogs such as the ‘pit bull’ are able to showcase their ability to navigate through ramps, seesaws, elevated dog walks, and tunnels. The winner is determined by the athlete with exceptional drive and fastest time.

Although ‘pit bulls’ aren’t typically known for their speed and aren’t usually expected to win among other breeds that excel in this type of competition they enjoy the sport. They can have fun and show their best while getting a healthy work out.

Participants have the opportunity to earn Agility titles from the United Kennel Club (UKC), United States Dog Agility Association (USDAA), North American Dog Agility Association (NADAC), and the Agility Association of Canada (AAC). Each level within the various organizations has different scoring and requirements so participants should do their research.


Competitive relay sport that teams up four dogs and their owners against another four with their owners. One dog from each team competes by running through a course filled with hurdles to jump and eventually triggering a mechanism that spits out a tennis ball. The dog catches the ball, reverses direction, returning to its team so that the next dog can run the course. First team to have all four of its dogs finish wins.

Weight Pulling

This intense sport seems to be tailor made for ‘pit bulls’. After much training and intense conditioning dogs are given a chance to demonstrate their superior strength and outshine other breeds. Hitched to carts or vehicles loaded with a set weight amount with padded harnesses the dogs compete within their own weight class. Winners are determined by which dog can pull the most weight 16 feet in a minute.

Sponsored by the American Dog Breeders Association (ADBA) the ‘pit bulls’ have their very own competition. Three certificates are awarded on a point basis. The top point earners in each class at the end of the season have the opportunity to then compete across the region.

Some critics are concerned that the dogs don’t enjoy the challenging sport. The fans of the sport feel that the dogs enjoy the challenge and wouldn’t participate if they didn’t. It’s recommended that you make your own decision on what’s best for you and your dog after doing much research.


This sport was originally developed to test the merit of German Shepherds. Its name literally means ‘protection dog’ and it’s become possibly the most popular sport for ‘pit bulls’. These dogs seem to be naturals for the competition as they are tested on mental stability, stamina, tracking, gameness, trainability, following directions, and structural efficiency.
The challenging course resembles those of the agility and obedience trials except it focuses more on developing protective traits and ability. Dogs are tested as they attack their handlers arm sheathed in a protective sleeve made of burlap. The focus is not to encourage and teach aggression but to demonstrate agility and obedience. The dogs are trained not to bite anything except the burlap.

Titles like SchH I, II, and III can be earned during these competitions. Each level requires a certain age and temperament. The master’s level has three tests that are geared toward protection of the dog’s handler plus difficult scent tracking testing.

Quite popular among law enforcement and other agencies this sport is now enjoyed by a great many people. With proper responsible training this can even be a great family event for both ‘pit bulls’ and their owners.

Disclaimer – In no way am I claiming to be an expert on these topics. These are only informational articles written to help dog owners. It’s recommended that you always do your own research and consult with your veterinarian for more detailed information. (01-27-13)

Dog Health - Alternative Care

Over the years different types of alternative care have been used on not only humans but now on animals as well. There’s a chance that your dog may benefit from receiving alternative care. However, this should not replace current veterinarian practices. Always consult with your veterinarian before starting an alternative care regime. The goal is to make your dog feel better and you don’t want to exacerbate the issue or possibly risk adding more medical issues.

When used properly alternative care does have some great healing methods. Many holistic and alternative practices can help ease emotional, physical, and health issues. Having a good balance between science and alternative care can help make for a healthier lifestyle.


The practice of inserting very fine needles into the skin stimulates specific anatomic points for healing purposes. This technique is not only used on humans but can be done on your dog as well. The process helps to promote healing and good health as well as regulate life force. For many centuries the
West regarded this as the ideal complement to conventional methods. In the last few decades this has now become a popular and well known choice to alternative care.


This type of practice is based on the philosophy that there’s a relationship between the spinal column, nervous system, circulatory system, movement and biomechanics. Manipulating the vertebrae relieves many nerve, joint, and muscle problems and helps alter the progression of disease.


This is the practice of using highly diluted products to help stimulate health, healing, and wellbeing in a patient. Combining this with conventional medical treatments may be quite helpful for the patient.


By far the simplest and most pure form of therapy is using what nature has provided. Many herbs and types of plants have a restorative effect on various ailments. If you wish to try any of these techniques it’s important that you talk with your dog’s vet first. Some allergic reactions and drug interactions have been documented and you should be made aware of any possible risks.

Disclaimer – In no way am I claiming to be an expert on these topics. These are only informational articles written to help dog owners. It’s recommended that you always do your own research and consult with your veterinarian for more detailed information. (01-24-13)